The activities of the holding company Katsuba Corporation are equally reflected on the quality of produced goods as well as in the favourable , active, substantial contribution it provides to the development of the Kharkiv region.

The company has also put in place a charitable foundation ‘Majbutnie budujemo razom’. The purpose of this social organization, founded by the head of Katsuba Corporation, Vladimir Katsuba, is to take part in life activity of the regions where workers of the enterprise network live.
The purpose of the charitable activities of Katsuba Corporation is the introduction of specific changes for the sake of global ones. To this effect the fund allocates assets in order to contribute to the prosperity of the public within the region. Culture is being supported, talented youth is being encouraged, special attention is paid to medicine and to the educational sphere. The fund takes care of veterans and welfare of particular areas such as recreational zones, school yards and playgrounds.
Beyond the desire for a positive image, the Katsuba Corporation undertakes these essential activities with the aim to introduce specific changes which will have a global reach.
The Katsuba Corporation is a patriotic organization; that is why not only social but also industrial principles are exclusively oriented towards investments in the Ukrainian market.