Sergey Katsuba
Sergey Katsuba - one soul with his brother . Together with Alexandr, Sergey Katsuba is taking care of the family business, with which he has been entrusted by his father .
Sergey Katsuba - one soul with his brother. Together with Alexandr, Sergey Katsuba is taking care of the family business, with which he has been entrusted by his father. His role includes monitoring all sub-branches, managing reputation concerns in the Ukrainian market of building materials. Until 2006 Sergey Katsuba was working on the formation of a prestigious holding Katsuba Corporation, well known in Kharkiv region and beyond.
Deputy of Ukrainian Parliament.
Deputy of the Kiev regional council of IV convocation.
The head of the family charitable foundation «The future we build together»
Deputy Chairman of «Naftogaz of Ukraine».
Director of the Department of material, economic, and technical support «Naftogaz of Ukraine».
Board member of the «Naftogaz of Ukraine»; Member of the Supervisory Board of Public Joint Stock Company GAO «Chernomorneftegaz».
Director of the department of material resources and procurement of goods, works and services company «Naftogaz of Ukraine».
Director of the Department to ensure the coordination of material and technical resources, works and services of enterprises and companies «Naftogaz of Ukraine».
Head of OP «Atomkomplekt» NAEC «Energoatom».
First Deputy Managing Director of OP «Atomkomplekt» NAEC «Energoatom».
Deputy Director of the Department of coordination and logistical resources, works and services of enterprises and companies «Naftogaz of Ukraine».
Vice-President of JSC «Kharkov factory of components production number 1».
Commercial Director of NPF «Tehproekt".
Deputy Director of NPF «Tehproekt».
Bachelor of Law. National Law Academy. Yaroslav Mydriy, the city of Kharkiv.
Finance Specialist. Kharkiv National University Karazin.
Specialist in «oil and gas business». Training and Research Centre of Excellence at the Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas.