Aleksandr Katsuba

Aleksandr Katsuba

Due to the rapid growth of the family business in early 2000s, Alexandr Katsuba has gradually become more involved in the company. As a result, along with his father, brother and mother, he has taken a strong position on the Board of Directors .


Due to the rapid growth of the family business in early 2000s, Alexandr Katsuba has gradually become more involved in the company. As a result, along with his father, brother and mother, he has taken a strong position on the Board of Directors. Since 2003, while studying at University of Karazin in Kharkov, together with his brother, he has responsibly maintained his father's business. In 2010 the company was brought into auto regulation and was handed to his mother. This was also due to the election of Alexander Katsuba to the City Council.

From 2014

Deputy Chairman of the Board and a board member of the National Joint Stock Company «Naftogaz of Ukraine», as a member of the Supervisory Board of SJSC «Chernomorneftegaz» and a member of the Supervisory Board of PJSC «Ukrtransgaz».


Co-founder of the company and startup Credit365.


Deputy Chairman of «Naftogaz of Ukraine».

From 2010

Kharkiv city council, member of the VI convocation.

Deputy assistance of the Standing Committee of Transport, Communications and Environment.

Deputy Director for Economic and clearing and settlement operations management apparatus GAO «Chernomorneftegaz».

From September 2010

Deputy Director for Economic Affairs GAO «Chernomorneftegaz».

2010 to September

Deputy Director of the company «Poltavagasdobucha»


Chairman of the Supervisory Board «CJSC «Kharkov factory of electrical installation products №1».


Deputy Director for economic activity NPF «Tehproekt».


Registered PE . Opened a network of companies, «Temp-2005», «Meridian plus», «Agro-Promin» and others.

Education 2003-2008

Masters in Finance. Kharkov University. Karazina


Jurisprudence. National Law Academy of Ukraine. Yaroslav the Wise.

Master of Financial Management. Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after IM Gubkin (Moscow)

PhD of Economic Sciences. Kharkov University. Karazina

PhD in law. Kharkiv National University of Internal Affairs of Ukraine

Specialist in «oil and gas production». Training and Research Center of Education Workers of the fuel and energy complex (UIC) at the Russian State University of Oil and Gas named after IM Gubkin (Moscow)

Lieutenant. Kharkiv Air Force University them. Kozhedub.