Not Words, But Actions
dec 01
Not Words, But Actions

Vladimir Katsuba, a people’s deputy of Ukraine and the founder of Katsuba Corporation, is a rather nonpublic figure. Vladimir Mikhailovich doesn’t appear on television often and seldom gives interviews, but the name of Katsuba is very well known in Kharkov region owing to concrete works of the people bearing it, namely, their charitable activities.

Recently, Vladimir Mikhailovich was present at the grand opening of the Temple of the Intercession of the Mother of God in the village of Polevaya. It is noteworthy that the temple’s construction was financed in full by the Katsuba family! And Vladimir Mikhailovich came to the opening ceremony with an offering. He presented a church bell to the Temple. Previously, the village did not have a church and believers had to go to a neighboring village for service. It was challenging for the elderly, and young families with little children also had a hard time getting to church.

A few years ago, Vladimir Katsuba learned about the situation, and, adhering too high church morals and supporting the spiritual development of the region, the Katsuba family jointly decided to provide help in building a church. This decision was not touted at every corner and no credit was proudly taken for it; they just organized and completely financed the construction of the Temple.

To date, the temple has been built, sanctified and opened for all believers, for which the residents of Polevaya village are sincerely grateful to Vladimir Mikhailovich!